Proven non-surgical weight loss program
weight management specialists help you adopt healthy lifestyle habits, lose weight, and maintain your weight loss.
If you want to lose weight and have struggled to do so on your own, we can help. Our experts help people to lose weight for many reasons

How We Can Help You.
Our experts help people to lose weight for many reasons such as:
❌ Your weight increases your risk for a medical condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease.
❌ You want to lose weight to improve one of these conditions or others like sleep apnea or osteoarthritis.
❌ You do not qualify for weight loss surgery.
❌ You might be interested in weight loss surgery but are not ready to take that step.
❌ You had weight loss surgery and are now struggling to maintain the weight loss.
❌ You want to move more easily, feel more vibrant, or look better.
We've been assisting people with weight loss and maintenance.
People who have worked with our experts report they:
✅ Reduced their risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity-related conditions.
✅ Can move more easily and are less restricted by arthritis and chronic pain.
✅ Enjoy improved endurance, strength, and flexibility.
✅ Have a healthier, more balanced approach to eating and activity.
✅ Are better able to manage stress and enjoy a more positive mindset.
✅ Successfully changed how they integrate diet and exercise with their lifestyle.
✅ Continue to experience progress on their own.
Weight Loss Services Tailored to you.
Initially, you’ll meet with your weight management specialist for a comprehensive evaluation that will include a discussion about your medical history as it relates to your weight, eating and activity habits, and any weight-related behavioral issues. Your expert will use this information to recommend a personalized treatment plan.
Gut Cleanse
We provide you with a proven detoxification system to clean out your digestive system utilizing our state-of-the-art technology, to rid your body of the toxins holding you back.
Body Detox
Poor diet habits lack the sufficient nutrients and minerals needed to help your body perform at an optimal level. At this phase, we aim to release all harmful toxins from your body.
We help you rewire your relationship with food so that you’re no longer using it to cope. We give you all the tools you need to take control of your life!
Body Contouring
Contour the body you’ve always wanted with our cutting-edge laser technology for spot fat reduction, inch loss, and body contouring in any area you desire!
Red Light Therapy
Our Red light therapy treatment uses low wavelength red light to accelerate your weight loss results by targeting areas on your body that require fat removal.
Everlasting Support
You’ll have untethered access to coaching at any time of the day to help you through the struggles and breakdowns. We work with you to turn your breakdowns into breakthroughs that last!
What is UltraSlim®?
American-made UltraSlim® is the ONLY non-invasive procedure using photonic red light energy to provide IMMEDIATE fat reduction. As well as being FDA-CLEARED, due to the patented process that safely causes your body to release and eliminate fat through the pores of each fat cell.
What Is Red Light Therapy?
LightStim LED bed
Dr. Nassif is an American plastic surgeon and television personality. He specializes in rhinoplasty. Nassif is a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Digestion and Weight Loss
Dr. Howard Goodman Long Island Weight loss Doctors discuss how improving digestion can lead to long-term weight loss.
West Nyack Location
2 Strawtown Rd Suite# 6,
West Nyack, NY 10994
Phone: (845) 832-2020
Email: [email protected]
* Coming soon location: New York City
Frequently-Asked Questions
What can UltraSlim® do for me?
- Reshape your body.
- Slim down targeted areas.
- Tighten and tone loose skin.
- Reduce stubborn fat from arms, hips, thighs, tummy, love handles, bra line, hips, ankles.
- Reduce the appearance of cellulite
How does it work?
UltraSlim® uses a specific frequency and intensity of red light from medical grade LEDs in a very unique way that causes your DNA to produce a protein that acts as a key to open up tiny windows on the fat cell walls that are normally closed. It does not harm or kill the fat cell in any way. This allows the fat inside the cell to drain out into your lymphatic system. It then goes to your liver where it is broken down and excreted in your stool. This same protein also causes your skin cells to produce more collagen and elastin, which results in smoother, tighter skin, and a reduction of fine wrinkles and stretch marks, ultimately leading to an amazingly younger looking appearance.
Is UltraSlim safe?
UltraSlim® is perfectly safe. In over 40 years of red light research there has never been any negative side effects demonstrated. In fact, the more it is studied, the more benefits are discovered.
As shown in “Intra-Surgical Study of Fat Reduction In Vivo”, belly fat treated by a Board-certified plastic surgeon in vivo during an abdominoplasty was immediately reduced by one-third with an 8-minute UltraSlim® treatment.
Where does the fat go?
The emulsified fat is picked up by the lymphatic system and processed by the liver as part of the body’s normal course of detoxification. The transitory pore in the fat cell will close in about 48-72 hours and the liberated contents will be expelled in the patient’s stool and urine over the next few days.
What can I expect during a session of UltraSlim®?
While listening to music or watching a movie, the UltraSlim LED panel is aimed at each stubborn fat area for 8 minutes, and is rotated according to each individual’s requests. Based on your specific goals, sessions customarily range from 32 minutes to 40 minutes. Once completed, you’re provided a complementarity 10 minute Whole Body Vibration Massage (WBV) which naturally speeds up the metabolism, stimulates lymphatic drainage, and enhances waste elimination.
Why is Whole Body Vibration (WBV) important?
Studies have shown a 10 minute session on a commercial grade Whole Body Vibration Massage (WBV) is equivalent to a 60 minute workout and ensures the released fatty compounds are eliminated, not reabsorbed by the fatty cells.
Is UltraSlim® for everyone?
No. UltraSlim® should not be used by pregnant women or individuals with active cancer. When UltraSlim® empties the fat cells, the liver causes fatty acids and triglycerides to be voided from the body. Accordingly, individuals with compromised liver function should not receive UltraSlim®.
What kind of results can I expect from UltraSlim® treatments?
Based on clinical studies and verifiable results, optimal results to place when UltraSlim® sessions are structured 1-2 times a week over a 6-12 week period, and when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle the average inch and weight loss is 8 to 20 inches by the 7th treatment!
At Rockland County Weight Loss, you are NOT just another number, we carefully assess our clients individual needs and goals and by providing a customized treatment plan, our clients experience a “WOW Factor” on their first day of treatment.
Do some people respond better than others to UltraSlim® treatments?
Yes. People with a higher metabolic rate are better able to excrete the fat cell contents and enjoy better results. However, UltraSlim® works for patients of all ages and skin types.
How does UltraSlim® compare to other weight loss therapies?
Clinical studies have shown that it is seven times more effective than the other miracle weight loss light therapies featured recently on Dr. Oz, such as laser therapies (Zerona) or other red light therapies (such as i-Lipo), and it’s a fraction of the cost. No diet or exercise program can even begin to compare with UltraSlim®.
Is UltraSlim® painful?
No, in fact it’s very relaxing. Many report that chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and joint problems actually improve after being exposed to the red light.
Can diabetics do UltraSlim®?
Absolutely! Diabetics get excellent results with UltraSlim®. By losing excess fat, diabetic patients can alleviate many of the common symptoms of diabetes. We specialize in helping diabetic patients.
Will UltraSlim® cause sagging skin?
No, UltraSlim® will actually tighten your skin by promoting the production of collagen and elastin in the skin cells. If you have sagging skin and stretch marks from previous weight loss, UltraSlim® will help you greatly reduce that.
What kind of benefits does UltraSlim® provide besides dramatic fat reduction?
UltraSlim® reduces fine lines, age spots, and wrinkles, increases blood circulation, provides skin tightening, builds collagen & elasticity, enhances the metabolism, and reduces the appearance of cellulite, detoxifies and revives the body and does not harm the fat cells.
How often can UltraSlim® treatments be done?
For best results, treatments should be done 1 to 2 times per week to allow your liver sufficient time to process out the released fat. If more than 4 inches is lost during any one treatment, allow a week before your next treatment for optimal results.
How long will the UltraSlim® treatment last?
As long as you want it to. If you’re willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a proper balanced diet, nutrition, plenty of water, and exercise. Just like anything else, to keep it, you must maintain it! So keep your caloric intake and portions in check.